Bundled Transactions

Warning This feature is not available in Prince Edward Island due to EMR limitations.

Prescribers have the ability to send multiple prescriptions in a single transaction. These are known as Bundled Transactions and can be processed together. In order to process the bundle, the transactions must be:

  • For the same patient.
  • From the same prescriber.
  • From the same prescriber location.

To process bundled prescriptions:

  1. In the PrescribeIT® To Do tab, highlight a prescription that is part of a bundle.
  2. Select Process. A prompt displays to inform you that there are multiple transactions existing for this patient.
  3. Select Yes to process all transactions part of the bundle. A New Prescription window opens.
    • If No is selected, only the transaction highlighted in step 1 opens in the New Prescription window.

    The transactions display in the New Prescription window in the following order:

    1. Rx Response - Denied
    2. Rx Response - Under Review
    3. Rx Response - Approved with Changes
    4. Rx Response - Approved
    5. Authorization Request
    6. New Rx Fill Request
  4. Select the navigation arrows to move between the different transactions.
  5. Process the transactions as usual.

Note: Cancel Rx Requests cannot be processed as part of a bundle. To learn more, see Cancelling an Rx Request from a Prescriber.